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Legal Studies

Bachelor of Science Degree

The Legal Studies degree program presents material of both practical and theoretical import, allowing you to transfer those skills to graduate or professional school, and or continue your career in both the public and private sectors. The curriculum provides a defined base in legal principles and practice, with emphasis on the application of legal theory to real practice.

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Courses in the major include:

This course prepares students for success in their academic and professional careers. The foundation for learning is established for professional skill development through practical experience. Learner strengths are assessed and analytical, relational, and resilience skills are developed.
This course will provide a foundation and overview of the legal discipline. The focus of the course will be on the development of justice and law, on constitutional concepts and theories and on the political and judicial systems in our country.
This course will provide an examination of the Constitutional underpinnings of criminal and civil law as it applies to the fields of criminal justice, law, investigations and security management. Special focus will be devoted to an overview of the American court system, specific elements of crime, the operation of civil jurisprudence, and a review of the policies and procedures that influence law in America.
This course will address ethical issues in law using the various state codes of professional responsibility. Special emphasis will be given to an examination of the relationship between ethical principles, and moral and normative judgments.
An examination of the origins of the American system of jurisprudence will include a comparative analysis with prominent international legal systems. This course will provide an overview of the structure of the American court system and will define the complex notion of jurisdiction.
This course explores the myriad resources available for legal research and reporting, case-law analysis and the repositories for statutory, administrative, and judicial rule and decision-making. Extensive practical writing applications for legal briefs, memoranda and professional communication will utilize a case-study methodology.
In depth examination of the historic underpinnings of the Constitution and Bill of Rights will focus on the role of the judiciary in the creation of public policy and the expansion of civil liberties. Critical analysis will focus upon developing predictive models for judicial decision-making and the ongoing debate about the role of the judiciary in America.
Practical application of the rules of civil and criminal procedure will be examined with a focus on the impact of these rules on the administration of the court system. Special attention is devoted to service of process, disclosure, discovery, search and seizure and confrontation rules as well as an examination of minimum sentencing guidelines and trends in civil and criminal penalties.
This course provides a critical analysis of the application of laws impacting the operation of modern capitalist structures, businesses and social organizations. In depth examinations of the role and restrictions of tort law, products liability, principles of contract and the Uniform Commercial Code will be conducted. Human resource regulation, bankruptcy, securities regulation and priority interest analysis will be applied using case study methodology. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Legal Studies (LGLS) accelerated degree completion program.
This course will provide concrete analysis of the application of law to the administration of property rights, real estate, and risk assessment, tax and investment policy formulation. Special emphasis will be provided for an assessment of the societal impact of probate, estate and gift taxation and regulation, and a review of laws applied to schools, foundations, philanthropy and other social organizations. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Legal Studies (LGLS) accelerated degree completion program.

Your Experience Counts

Bellevue University welcomes the college-level learning you already have and will count it toward your degree. Take advantage of the credits you have. Save time and money.

Your SHRM or HRCI® certification is valued at 6 credit hours (2 courses) toward the Master of Science in Human Resource Strategic Management.

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Real Learning for Real Life

Tracy Zamora graduated from Bellevue University through her employer's partnership with Bellevue University. Now, she directly applies the knowledge and skills she earned from her BS in Behavioral Science to her role. Her colleagues notice and she's their go-to for advice.

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