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Bachelor of Science Degree

Today's organizations seek people who are confident leaders and can successfully apply effective leadership practices to achieve results. A talented leadership professional translates well to management and is an asset to any organization. Build a comprehensive understanding of leadership with a multidisciplinary approach - ranging from business, social science, psychology, philosophy, and history. This degree program prepares you to effectively lead people and handle leadership challenges in a variety of interpersonal, group, and organizational settings.

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Courses in the major include:

This course prepares students for success in their academic and professional careers. The foundation for learning is established for professional skill development through practical experience. Learner strengths are assessed and analytical, relational, and resilience skills are developed.
This course serves as an introduction to the leadership major by focusing on definitions of leadership, leader traits, leader behaviors, and the leadership process. These topics will provide a framework for the application of leadership theories and concepts to real life situations.
Focuses on developing leadership skills by exploring such topics as self-concept, self-esteem, personal values, time and stress management, conflict resolution, and gender issues. Self-assessments and personal reflection assignments will encourage students to examine leadership strengths and areas fro development in self and others.
Examines how attitudes and actions in the workplace are influenced by personality, emotion, organizational structure, power, and politics. Classic research and writings on motivation, organizational culture, conflict, and group decision making will be used to inform the discussion and analysis of common issues in organizational behavior and performance.
Investigates the pressing ethical issues and decision-making problems facing contemporary leaders across all types of groups, organizations, and professions. Emphasis is on ethical approaches to problem solving, communication, and leading others. The impact of various leadership styles and situational factors on organizational ethics will also be presented.
Classic psychological studies of leadership will be presented to examine leader identity, influence, and the effects of power on leader personality and follower behavior. Special attention will be given to the mental states and social situations that cause followers to listen to leaders and take on the leader's vision as their own.
Using case studies from corporate and non-corporate settings, this course will analyze how extreme work teams and extreme individual leaders use successful leadership behaviors in situations that fall outside the norm.
Presents predominant global leadership theories and frameworks for applications in cross-cultural leadership situations. Topics include values and culture in organizations, power distance, individualism and collectivism, ethical standards in global leadership, and uncertainty avoidance.
Examines leadership from the unique perspectives of the humanities and social sciences. Advanced leadership principles will be integrated with classic drama, biography, novels, speeches, and film to gain deeper insights on the leadership development of classic leaders and the contexts in which they led.
Previous course material and learning insights will be applied to a portfolio project and presentation focused on a contemporary leadership issue in a group, organization, community or area of expertise.

Your Experience Counts

Bellevue University welcomes the college-level learning you already have and will count it toward your degree. Take advantage of the credits you have. Save time and money.

Your SHRM or HRCI® certification is valued at 6 credit hours (2 courses) toward the Master of Science in Human Resource Strategic Management.

Talk to an Enrollment Counselor to learn more.

Real Learning for Real Life

Tracy Zamora graduated from Bellevue University through her employer's partnership with Bellevue University. Now, she directly applies the knowledge and skills she earned from her BS in Behavioral Science to her role. Her colleagues notice and she's their go-to for advice.

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