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Child Youth and Family Studies

Master of Science Degree

The Master of Science in Child Youth and Family Studies provides the necessary education and qualifications to supervise teams within organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives of children and families in your community. As a student you'll analyze child and youth development, and examine multiple influences that impact child development and family interactions. This program will give you the education and experience necessary to begin making an impact the moment you earn your degree.

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Courses in the major include:

This course emphasizes the skills and knowledge needed to successfully work with children, youth and their families. The concepts of nature vs. nurture and the theories of cognitive, social, physical, emotional, and identity development are explored.
This course examines the connections between families and the community services available and how these services are successfully accessed. This course emphasizes the partnerships among school, family, and community services.
This course introduces students to state and federal policies that directly affect children and youth. Students apply critical thinking skills to policies and problem solve, if the policies are barriers to the successful development of children and youth.
The course focuses on families and their function and dysfunction. Models of family interventions are emphasized. Family interactions and child development across the lifespan are explored.
This course introduces children, youth, and families in cultural context. The cultural heritages of different families are explored. The emphasis is on identifying successful strategies when working with culturally diverse families.
Contemporary issues affecting children, youth, and their families are explored. Topics covered include technology, violence, addictions, child abuse, and bullying.
This course provides an introduction to and analysis of the principles for successful program design, evaluation, and implementation. Assessment of developed program outcomes is emphasized.
This course introduces the administration and management of programs serving children, youth, and their families. Supervisory challenges and leadership competencies are discussed.
This course is designed for students to apply the knowledge and skills attained during the CYFS Program. Each student develops and completes a detailed project-based activity related to child, youth, and family studies.

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Your SHRM or HRCI® certification is valued at 6 credit hours (2 courses) toward the Master of Science in Human Resource Strategic Management.

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